In English:

The Mermaid Crypt:
Startling vocals, elliptic movements, recusant sounds, grand ideas, apocalyptic lyrics, and beautiful, melancholic compositions. Little known indie band Atlas Volt, deliver everything I'd want from a modern prog epic. I stumbled on this band purely by accident, in a fortuitous moment of absent minded clickery, and I'm bloody glad I did, as it stands alongside Big Big Train's 'Judas Unrepentant' as one of the most memorable songs of recent years. 
Scott Mortimore:
This is an intriguing rock album that seems to be bordering on progressive or post-rock at times without really being either. Far from metal, but with a strength raising it above soft-cock rock, the incredible sense of melody sweeps you away effortlessly without sacrificing the experimental elements, an accomplishment to which very few artists can lay claim! Repeated listens also bear even more fruit. Soul replenishing stuff! Favorite track: Find Myself Lost. 
Mario Santos Ramos:
My favorite track: Mother Nature Infanticide. Fantastic song. I love to listen to a bands first album. Especially so when you can hear that they are experimenting and each song is different than the other. This particular song has elements from bands I love but still sounding like their own style. Awesome sauce right there. Looking forward to hear what these guys do in the future.

Closet Concert Arena:
Welcome once again to the Concert Closet fellow progheads...2015  has been a wild, exciting journey thus far, huh?  In keeping with the "off-the-beaten-path" theme, I spent the past seven days traveling yet another tangent road in my search for all things prog.  Feeling the need for a stronger jolt, I am looking for a little metal and a lot of creativity/innovation.  In an effort to keep my word regarding excitement and new ideas, I am piloting the Concert Closet to Sweden for an adult dose of a band unique in not only sound but also existence...welcome to the world of Atlas Volt.

Atlas Volt is an independent alternative rock duo hailing from Malmo, Sweden.  What grabbed my attention immediately is how they go about what they do and their ability to move through musical genres much the way Sybil moved through personalities.  When you listen to a band for the first time and they feel as comfortable as your favorite sneakers, you know it is going to be a fun week...

The first slice carved from this week's buffet is heavy song called "Mother Nature's Infanticide." The music opens with an almost tribal dance piece--a portend of the emotional outburst that is about to slam your auditory canals.  Vocals come straight at you while I swear I hear the murmur of a didgeridoo carrying the foundation--and then the punch you knew was coming but weren't exactly sure when.  Atlas Volt wraps this piece in barbed wire and lobs it right toward you.  The strength of the guitar and the way it flows seamlessly with the thunder of the drums is striking. Glad I brought my ID; this week ain't gonna be a kiddie ride...

Coming back for seconds, I find a more subtle, gentler tune called "Taken by the Tide."  The song opens under a full moon at high tide, and you hear the soft call of the sea pull you in as the guitar coyly beckons.  Atlas Volt does wild things with sound; the imagery is magnificent!  The vocals come from a distance at first, as if beckoning from the deep...a successful attempt to pull you under.  Atlas Volt does a splendid job painting a mural with sound.  The song picks up intensity only to roll back out with the tide, leaving you like so much driftwood on the shore.  Elegant, soothing, and cerebral...

Liner Notes...Atlas Volt is the definition of what prog should be.  Everything you see, hear, and feel is being brought to you by two extraordinary musicians who do what they do because they love it. Based in Malmo, Sweden, Atlas Volt is the the passion of Canadian singer-songwriter Philippe Longchamps and British producer/composer Adam Hansen-Chambers.  Both of these gents hold down full-time day jobs so as to finance their musical ambitions.  They are unsigned, unsponsored, and unbound--all Philippe and Adam want to do is bring their musical creativity to the world.  They call themselves a "Do-It-Yourself" home studio music project....WHAT?!  I gotta believe they are unsigned by choice--'cuz these guys have talent oozing from their pores!

My final selection for review this week is called "Shine Your Own Light."  An opening reminiscent of  The Alan Parsons Project, this song gets into your bloodstream and flows right through you. The tranquility of the music is a wonderful surprise; the cohesiveness between vocals and instrumentation deifies explanation...just put on some good headphones and let the magic flow over you.  Once Atlas Volt gets in your head you won't want to let them get away.
The clip posted below is a marvelous song called "Find Myself Lost."  You can feel yourself floating weightless as the song starts and your mind becomes one with the music.  Atlas Volt has prospered in the prog garden by refusing to identify with just one section.  The real triumph here is their ability to draw from several areas and meld them together into their own distinctive sound.  Aromas of Spock's Beard, Transatlantic, Gentle Giant, Be Bop Deluxe, and Yes run throughout the music--but only as a reference guide .  Atlas Volt is truly tilling their own prog garden acreage.  Learn more about Atlas Volt at You can also follow them on Twitter @AtlasVolt.  Do yourself--and the prog world-- a favor and purchase their debut CD "Eventualities;" this dynamic duo needs to make prog music their day job. What a week it's been, fellow progheads!  Listening to Atlas Volt reminded me of why I started this blog in the first place--to find terrific prog bands making music they believe in.  In 1986 Brian Eno released an LP called "More Blank Than Frank," and on the back cover explained it was a biased compilation not intended to make a statement about his musical achievements as much as it was just an album filled with songs he would enjoy listening to.  Atlas Volt captures that emotion here--and I hope they never let it go. Back to the search for all things prog...until next week...

In Your Speakers: 
Coming out of Sweden with a big progressive rock sound and a worthwhile cause,Atlas Volt debut with Eventualities.
“Taken by the Tide” is off of Atlas Volt’s 5-song debut EP Eventualities, the March 11 release was financed by the multi-instrumentalist duo’s day-jobs.
“We believe that by being unsponsored, unsigned and unbound we can offer our fans what they are craving for: authenticity,” Atlas Volt stated on Bandcamp.
Canadian singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Philippe Longchamps and British producer, composer and multi-instrumentalist Adam Hansen-Chambers created the post-rock duo in 2012 in Malmö, Sweden. On their Bandcamp page Atlas Volt describes themselves as “Do it yourself (DIY) independent musical home studio project with a focus on recording and producing innovative songs.” The progressive rock styled album artwork was done by Andrzej Kuziola. In memory of Gareth Hansen-Chambers, Adam’s father, who passed away on 8/8/12, 10% of profits from Eventualities sales will be donated to cancer research.
Indie Music Spotlight:
Our Indie Music Spotlight shines onto Atlas Volt. Atlas Volt is an Alternative Indie Rock duo based in Malmö, Sweden founded in 2012 by Canadian singer-songwriter Philippe Longchamps and British producer and composer Adam Hansen-Chambers.
The duo believes in creative independence and they want to offer their fans an uncompromised version of their artistic vision.
Everything they do is homemade and financed with the money they make with their day jobs. Atlas Volt believes that the only way to create the innovative blend of the eclectic musical genres they like is to keep away from the standardized and prefabricated structures of the music industry.
“Being unsponsored, unsigned and unbound is the only alternative to offer our fans what they are craving for: authenticity.” – Philippe Longchamps
Released last sunday the Atlas Volt EP has gone onto being the Best-Selling Alternative / Any Format EP The EP ‘Eventualities‘ is also a tie-in with 5 different t-shirts available online. Watch out as the group has signed onto work with to share their EP as a bonus to an indie video game bundle (supporting  “Make A Wish International” and “Child’s Play.”) “We are proud of our Artwork! We wanted some kind of surreal illustration that reminded us of the 1970’s progressive rock album covers. After drawing a few draft of an Alien-like Astronaut/Creator Philippe sent it to the very talented Indie Polish artist living in Edinburgh, Scotland Andrzej Kuziola.”
In Spanish:
Carlos Torrecilla Abenoza: 
Atlas Volt son el británico Adam Hansen-Chambers y el canadiense Philippe Longchamps, un dúo de multiinstrumentistas, compositores y productores con base de operaciones en Malmo, Suecia y un excepcional disco recién editado en el mercado. "Eventualities" es un ejercicio saludable de enigmático Rock cósmico y planeante con espíritu acústico y ciertos tintes Prog en la vena de bandas contemporáneas como Muse, Elbow o las últimas entregas de Anathema. Un viaje asombroso hacia texturas alejadas de lo convencional, a veces suenan tan elegantemente Pop, como en el tema que abre el disco "Shine Your Own Light" ( un potencial single de éxito), que le hacen a uno replantearse su postura respecto a ese estilo. Atlas Volt juegan a sugerir y sugestionar y vive dios que lo consiguen, hay momentos (Find Myself Lost) de auténtica excelencia lírica sesgados violentamente por rabiosas guitarras para terminar en ese punto de bello desasosiego que sólo consiguen los maestros. Teclas por doquier en las cinco composiciones, alternancia de guitarras acústicas y eléctricas a veces superpuestas y siempre complementarias, base rítmica eficiente, excitantes tesituras vocales cambiantes unas veces recitan y otras se rompen en mil pedazos y la sensación de estar ante un trabajo concienzudo y milimétricamente estudiado. Compuesto, grabado y distribuido de forma totalmente independiente tiene el aliciente de destinar un 10% de la venta de cada disco a la investigación del cáncer. Un debut a tener muy en cuenta, no hagas caso, ésto no es Indie Rock, es mucho más, hay más ideas, espíritu, potencial y trasfondo en éstos cinco temas que en toda la producción del año 2012 de los sellos indies más importantes. Atlas Volt es el mejor lugar en el que invertir unos pocos euros, volverás. He dicho.
In Italian:

Il Pozzo dei Dannati:
C’è un motivo per cui non amo i concorsi di bellezza, per cui la Miss di turno non riesce praticamente mai a colpire la mia fantasia, per cui li trovo il piú delle volte grotteschi e molto tristi. Non dico che sia sbagliato in assoluto, ma voler giudicare la bellezza con dei parametri arbitrari e assurdamente limitanti, semplicemente, non fa per me. Ecco perchè, forse, rimango freddino davanti a questo EP d’esordio degli Atlas Volt, duo anglo-americano di stanza a Malmö, Svezia: nonostante ne apprezzi l’impegno, nonostante ne riconosca l’abilità tecnica, nonostante sia sinceramente colpito dallo sforzo (auto)produttivo, non posso dire di essere entusiasta di fronte a un risultato formalmente ineccepibile, che probabilmente vincerebbe qualche premio in un concorso di bellezza, ma che non riesce a solleticare la mia fantasia. Non voglio essere frainteso, per cui scinderó nettamente l’aspetto tecnico-formale da quello che è, ci tengo a sottolinearlo, un giudizio puramente soggettivo. La fredda cronaca: tutta la musica racchiusa in questo EP è stata scritta, suonata, registrata e prodotta in proprio, con notevole perizia e risultati tecnici sinceramente strabilianti, tanto da fare invidia a piú di un lavoro uscito su major. Lungo tutta la durata del disco è evidente la ricerca del dettaglio, del suono perfetto, dell’arrangiamento raffinato, delle armonie vocali. Cura del dettaglio altresí evidente nel curatissimo packaging. I cinque brani di 'Eventualities' sono abbastanza diversi tra loro in termini di atmosfere e riferimenti stilistici. Si va dalle suggestioni alternative di "Shine Your Own Light", ballata elettro acustica con accattivanti inserti elettronici, alle pessimistiche riflessioni unplugged sul senso della storia della breve "History is Written in Blood". Il cuore del disco sta peró nei tre lunghi pezzi conclusivi: si passa dalle atmosfere vagamente psichedeliche della solenne "Find Myself Lost" (che ricorda un po’ i Porcupine Tree quando rifanno i Pink Floyd, con tanto di chitarroni sul chorus, un tantino fuori luogo) alla conclusiva "Taken by the Tide", tanto riflessiva e seriosa nelle intenzioni, quanto un po’ inconcludente nel risultato finale. Dovendo citare un solo pezzo, peró, non si puó prescindere da "Mother Nature’s Infanticide", robusta apologia ecologista davvero ben congegnata nelle architetture che mescolano le atmosfere world di un canto di Muezzin con solidissimi riff a la Dream Theater. Non è dunque ancora ben chiaro dove vogliano andare a parare gli Atlas Volt, tanto ogni pezzo di questo lavoro sembri tirare in una direzione diversa (ma questo non è per forza un male). Non resta che augurare ai due di continuare a produrre musica con la stessa passione, sperando di poter aggiungere un po’ piú di contenuto a quello che ora, a conti fatti, risulta essere solo un bellissimo contenitore. (Mauro Catena)

In French:
Atlas Volt est un duo de rock alternatif britannique/québécois basé en Suède sur lequel nous sommes tombés un peu par hasard. Cela faisait d’ailleurs longtemps à Neoprog que l’alternatif n’avait pas fait briller nos projecteurs. L’occasion de nous pencher sur ces deux artistes amateurs et leur premier EP autoproduit Eventualities. Artistes amateurs? Oui, car, comme bien d’autres, ils ne vivent pas de leur musique, composent pour le plaisir, via Internet depuis que Adam vit en Angleterre. Ces deux musiciens nous préparent un nouvel album, après ces cinq titres qui ont été bien reçus en Suède et en Allemagne mais qui restent méconnus en France.

Pour situer Atlas Volt dans la faune alternative, il va falloir que je creuse dans mes maigres connaissances. Un peu de Tool bien évidemment mais aussi du Order of Voices, Radiohead… Le groupe passe de l’acoustique et chant à deux voix à de l’alternatif pur et dur. “Mother Nature’s Infanticide” est sans doute le morceau le plus caractéristique de leur tendance rock au contraire de “Find Myself Lost” qui pourrait rejoindre l’écriture de The Pineapple Thief, entre progressif et acoustique. Parce que le progressif n’est pas très loin, sinon nous ne serions pas ici en train de vous en parler, vous vous en doutez bien.

Cinq titres, vingt-cinq minutes de musique, la pièce centrale dépassant les sept minutes trente, de l’acoustique, un morceau nettement plus nerveux, une toute petite pièce, de beaux textes plein de questionnements, voici un bref portrait de Eventualities. Si vous êtes fins psychologues, vous saurez que “Find Myself Lost” est le titre qui l’emporte sur tous dans mon cœur, parce qu’il est le plus progressif, le plus développé, qu’il use de références floydiennes, genesisiennes et autres, que la richesse sonore y est la plus importante également et qu’il explose comme il se doit à la fin. “Mother Nature’s Infanticide” avec son introduction world music new age qui se jette dans les bras d’un alternatif nerveux carbure très bien également comme les trois autres morceaux. Seule ombre au tableau, une production qui souffre un peu d’un son où se mélangent parfois les fréquences là où on aurait besoin de plus de précision. Tout le monde ne peut pas s’offrir Real World Studios et Steven Wilson derrière la console pour fignoler son disque non plus.

Eventualities est un bel EP à découvrir, Atlas Volt un duo prometteur à suivre de près, je suis curieux d’écouter leur prochain album et découvrir quel sera le chemin que suivra leur musique, progressif, alternatif, un peu des deux? 

In German:
Gerade kam in meinen Briefkasten die erste Single von "Atlas Volt", eines schwedischen Indie Rock Duos mit kanadischem Sänger und Songwriters, hereingeflattert, von welchen ich vor geraumer Zeit mal angesprochen wurde, ob sie denn mein Earth Rendering für das CD Cover verwenden dürften. Da ich grundsätzlich dieser Musikrichtung nicht abgeneigt bin, und zusätzlich immer bereit bin Indie Projekte zu unterstützen, sah ich keinen Grund wieso sie es nicht verwenden sollten. Ich dachte eh mehr an so eine Art Kopieshop Produktion mit selbstgebrannten CD´s usw., aber als die CD heute eintraf war ich doch sehr positiv überrascht. Sowohl der Druck des Covers als auch der CD stehen kommerziellen CDs in nichts nach, und auch die Musik fand ich äußerst ansprechend. Hier könnt ihr euch selber ein Bild(Ton) machen: LINK

Ich hatte das Projekt schon fast vergessen, aber nun wo ich sehe mit welcher Leidenschaft die Jungs an die Sache ran gehen, bin ich doch ein wenig stolz das mein Rendering das Inlay und das Backcover schmücken darf.
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コレです  アトラスボルト
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